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The jewish people were told thousands of years ago by our prophet that at the end of days, which is our generation now,  there will be a famine amongst the Jewish people, who will be walking around starving, hungry and thirsty. Today we can clearly see the realization of this prophecy, however, this hunger is not for bread and this thirst is not for water— there exists a great hunger and thirst for the word of Hashem.  

Thousands of hungry and thirsty souls in the form of tourists, walk through the Holy City of Tsfat yearly, though unfortunately very few reap the true benefits of what Tsfat has to offer. The spiritual foundations are already here, and today Tsfat is a vibrant center for Jewish traditional life. The Holy City of Tsfat is a place of real spiritual depth that has unlimited potential and the ability to re-connect the Jewish person with his rich and ever lasting roots.


“If you build it they will come” There is no question regarding the need for a kiruv center for young men, and we have all the tools to make it happen except for the the actual physical space in which we can carry out this important work.


Thousands of Birthright participants visit our community for a short introduction to Jewish life. Aish HaTorah brings groups of married men for a Tsfat experience and many other groups are just waiting to come.



•To enhance general awareness of the importance of Judiaism in the lives of our fellow jews who have little to no connection to a Jewish life.

•To inspire others to at the very least marry Jews 

• To teach Jewish values and the importance of building a Jewish home

• To teach the idea that family purity leads to Jewish continuity

The above goals may currently hold very little importance to our potential students, but it is only because of a lack of education.

Today so many Jews have no problem turning their back on Judaisim, not because of what they know, but because of what they don’t know. For those of us who do know the importance of Judaisim, the time is now to act quickly to save these hungry and thirsty souls before it is too late. 


The eyes of all the previous generations are upon us, as we can make the choice to make a difference. “Anyone who saves a soul saves a a whole world.” The souls are waiting to be saved and this center of hatzalah must be built.



A comfortable and welcoming center for kiruv in the old city ofTsfat, that will offer short learning experience including understanding of Shabbat, Jewish holidays and general modes of spiritual connection through the teachings of the Torah. Additionally there will be the option to enroll in Shabbat, or weeklong learning sessions, with meals and sleeping accomodations on the premises.


How Can We Do This?:

1.Build a beautiful and functional space that can fulfill the needs of our visitors, and welcome them with warmth and enthusiasm into a space that will make them feel like they have come home.

2. Gather staff and teaching materials to carry out inspirational seminars about practical and mystical Jewish teachings, as well as the understanding of basic Jewish faith and what has allowed the Jewish people to survive after so many thousands of years


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